Original, rebellious and surly: Lady Gaga and the Arneis

It was not easy to find a piece of music that matched well with Brero delle Ginestre’s Roero Arneis DOCG Bricat, the first wine of our new column “Vini per Corrispondenza”. In the end we chose Lady Gaga, an artist who – as the etymology of Arneis wants – is original, rebellious and surly. It […]


Fiano Ventitré Filari “Numero Primo” from Montefredane

Here we are, ready for new wine emotions. Let’s start! Destination Fiano, “Numero Primo” Ventitré Filari Yes, only Twenty-three rows of vineyards whose grapes produce a Fiano that leaves you breathless. The first two Fianos are born in 2014 and 2015, and they are the maximum expression of the love and visceral bond for the […]