Closed in Salerno the 6th Edition of the Wine Business Course

Ended after twenty lessons, the “Wine Business” Educational Course at the University of Salerno. The certificates to  the participating students were delivered on December 24, together with the closing of the 6th Edition.

It ended yesterday, with the closing ceremony with the delivery of certificates to all the participants, the 6th Edition of the postgraduate course “Wine Business” at the University of Salerno.

The course aimed to form figures professionally experienced in economics, administration, management, marketing and communication in the wine sector, and started last June 9.

It was organized by the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Campuses of Fisciano (SA), under the skilful guidance of Professor Giuseppe Festa.

The course was opened to graduates in possession of suitable experience in the world of wine, and was attended by many important partners: the Observatory of the southern Apennines (Consortium of the Campania region and the University degli Studi di Salerno), provincia di Avellino, AIS – Italian Sommelier Association – Campania, National Association “Città del Vino”, Consorzio Tutela Vini d’irpinia, Sannio Consorzio Tutela Vini, Consorzio Tutela Vini Campi Flegrei and Ischia Capri, Consorzio Tutela e Valorizzazione dei vini a D. O. of Caserta, Consortium, Consorzio Life Salernum Vites, Movimento Turismo del Vino Campania, AssoEnologi – Campania, the regional Federation of the associations of doctors of Agronomy and doctors Association of Campania, Salerno, Italy, Slow Food Condotta Vine & Partners, Ismess and other Consortium institutions of the wine world, nationally and internationally, including the EuroMed Business Research Institute with the “Wine Business Research Interest Committee “.

10 scholarships were made available to students of the province of Avellino.

The course was held for a total of 100 hours divided into 20 lessons, each one of 5 hours. Participants included several holders of wineries in all the Campania Region: Archimede Casoli for cellar Casoli from Candida (Avellino); Ventitré Filari of Rosa Puorro in Montefredane (AV); Cristina Varchetta from wineries Astroni/Enoteca Varchetta of Naples; Nicola Pastore for the cellar Ocone from Ponte (BN); Ida Tascone for Winemakers Lenza of Pontecagnano (SA); Marianna Di Fiore from Cantine del Barone in Santa Maria di Castellabate (SA). Ritmodivino was present at the course.

Among the wineries who featured their sponsor: Mustilli, Macellaro, AZ. Agr. San Salvatore, Feudi di San Gregorio, Mastroberardino, Tenuta Cavalier Pepe, cellars of Solopaca, Villa Matilde, domains and Di Meo and other realities in the region. In every lesson there was also a lecturer AIS for Professional tasting. Attended Tommaso Luongo, Ernesto La Matta, Nevio Toti, Maria Sarnataro and many other official tasters.

Plus, every lesson was accompanied by the intervention of Alfonso Del Forno from Slow Food Salerno, who explained to students all the characteristics of gastronomies in the world, to help food-wine pairing and facilitate the internationalization of Italian wines.

Expected very soon, starting a seventh edition.

For information: – –

Post Author: Ritmodivino

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